Jell-O Shot Syringes

I made Jell-O shots in college.
I made lots and lots of Jell-O shots in college.
My Jell-O shots were not this fancy.
And apparently, I cannot hold my liquor.
Which is why I rarely drink.
And if I do drink .... it's usually a half a beer every 6 months.
I know, I'm such a freaking party animal.
I bet you haven't seen Jell-O shots like these?
These are for Halloweeeeeeeeeen folks.
Round up your Jell-O because we're making grown up Jell-O shots ya'll.


Halloween Syringe Jell-O Shots

3 oz Strawberry, Cherry, or Raspberry Jell-O
1 cup boiling water
1/2 cup (4 ounces) vodka (or other distilled spirit)
1/2 cup cold water
(1.5oz - 2oz) Jell-O Shot syringes (You can buy these at the top of this page)

1. Combine your liquor and cold water and chill in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

2. Pour gelatin into a bowl and add boiling water, stirring until the gelatin completely dissolves.

3. Add chilled liquor and water mix, stir until combined.

4. Sit syringes upright in a small bowl and pour in the Jell-O mix. Leave about 1" of space at the top of your syringe. Refrigerate until the liquid sets. (At least 4 hours, but overnight refrigeration is recommended)

5. Remove from fridge and add the base to our syringe. Serve cold.