Baby Food Fruit Roll Ups

I have a thing for baby food and fruit roll ups. 

People always come over and look in my fridge and say "Oh, why do your kids still eat baby food?" To which I reply, "Don't be ridiculous, that baby food is for me."

And then they are sort of scared to discuss further.

If you don't eat baby food as an adult you are truly missing out. I's quite delicious and nutritious. 

This week I had a craving for fruit roll ups (which again I realize are for children), but we were out of them! Whattttttt. I decided I would attempt those all natural fruit roll ups that I had seen on Weelicious. And then unfortunately I was out of strawberriesssssss. I know what you're thinking, I need to grocery shopping, but I decided this week that I would not be wasteful about shopping and instead I would make everything with only ingredients that I had left in my house. Kind of this weird mental game I play with myself. This is when I decided to use my baby food ..... and fancy pants crushed fruit puree snacks. I dehydrated the crap out of the fruit and I made some wickedly awesome fruit roll ups. You simply pour the mushed up fruit on a baking sheet and place it in your oven and come back in a couple hours. This is easy. I say you all try the baby food thing this weekend. Scroll down for the recipe.


Baby Food Fruit Roll Ups

1 pouch of Plum Organic Baby Food OR a Harvey Crushed Fruit Snack OR Mamma Chia Squeeze Snack

1. Preheat your oven to 250 degrees.

2. Squeeze your fruit puree from the pouch onto your Silpat or parchment paper in a straight line and use a spatula to spread the puree until it's about 1/4" thick.

3. Bake at 250 degrees for about 2 hours, until your fruit roll ups are dry, but not over cooked. Roll up with parchment paper and enjoy!