S'mores Graham Cracker Toffee

When I was little I use to say "When I grow up I am going to stay up until midnight and eat ice cream and pizza and whipped cream and candy and I'm never ever going to brush my teeth!"

And then I went to college, did exactly this, gained 15 lbs, got a cavity, and never did it again.

At 33, I now look forward to brushing my teeth and taking showers. I sometimes even crave a big salad. Whattttttt!? OK, seriously though this toffee is freaking ridiculous! O to the M to the G. Best thing I have ever made. I am all over the place this morning! My mind needs yoga - Chilllllllll. Stop thinking. Tutorial below.


S'mores Graham Cracker Toffee

16-18 graham crackers
2 cup dark brown sugar
2 sticks salted butter
2 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
1 - 2 cups mini marshmallows

1. Preheat the oven to 400°

2. Line a baking pan with foil. Cover with a single layer of graham crackers, trimming to fit if necessary. Crush the extras for topping and set aside.

3. In a medium saucepan combine the butter and brown sugar. Bring to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes stirring constantly. Do NOT overcook! Pour over the crackers immediately and spread to cover them completely.

4. Bake at 400° for 5 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle chocolate chips over the top. Let set for 5 minutes for chips to melt then spread over the toffee with a spatula. Top with crushed graham crackers and mini marshmallows. 

5. Set the pan in the refrigerator for 30 minutes to set the chocolate. 

6. Remove and break into pieces. Eat and allow sugar coma to commence. Store leftovers (really?) in an air tight container for up to a week.