DIY Pom Pumpkin

I love poms. They feel so happy! 

They are like little balls of positive energy! I love seeing little things that just make me smile. They remind me of the little fuzzy weepuls. Do you remember those? We use to get them in elementary school for selling magazines in the magazine drive. I remember I sold enough to go to the ice cream party in the limo! I was sooooooo excited. I can literally remember the exact feeling I had when I won the limo ride. I try and remember those memories when I'm playing with my kids now or taking them to do something exciting. When you remember how you felt as a kid, it brings you to their level. It makes you appreciate playtime and it makes it easier to play restaurant and actually get into character, without stopping to text, or send an email, or talk on the phone. Their endless imagination is incredible and the sheer joy they get just serving you a fake plate of spaghetti won't last forever so I say suck it up now and lock in the memories.

Life is a party and if you aren't celebrating and actually enjoying your days - I mean seriously enjoying your days (and not just pretending for your Instagram while you stalk others and bad mouth their actual happiness because deep down you're unhappy) you're really freaking missing out. I know what it's like to be miserable and I know what it's like to be really happy. I choose happiness today, tomorrow, and every day after. Grab some poms (1000 to be correct) and make yourself one of these super happy Halloween pumpkins!


Halloween Pom Pumpkin

What you need
(1000) 1/2" poms
(1) 10" fake pumpkin
Hot glue

1. Attach poms one by one with hot glue. Let dry. Continue until it's covered!