Leather Tassel Keychains

It's raining.
It's pouring.
I have a 4 year old hanging on my back humming in my ear while I write this.
She has sour cream on her face and her breath smells of chicken taquitos. She wants to jump in muddy puddles like Peppa Pig so I'm hauling through this leather tassel post to take her outside. These tassel keychains are simple, chic, and pretty easy to make. I think you will like them A LOTTTTT. Alright, I'm going to take this baby outside. Have a wonderful day!


Leather Tassel Keychains

What you need
8" x 3.5" Leather
1/4" Leather Cording
Sharp scissors or Fabric scissors
Keychain ring
Fabric glue

1. Cut a leather rectangle (about 8" x 3.5") or whatever length you want your tassel to be. Just use what you have for this project. Joanne's Fabric also sells leather scraps and you can use your 40% off coupon.

2. Fringe your leather rectangle by cutting 1/4" strips all the way up the leather, leaving 3/4" of space from the top. 

3. Now cut a strip of leather or use leather cording to measure 3" by 1/4". Fold it in half around the key ring and carefully apply a tiny bit of fabric glue and adhere the end of the strips together on one side of the leather rectangle, allowing the loop to hang off the edge of the rectangle. If you forget to attach the key ring, you can always do so once it's dry.

3. Apply another thin line of fabric glue next to the loop on the top portion of the leather rectangle. Only apply a very thin 1" line because as you roll the leather, it will continue to push the glue. Carefully and slowly roll your leather up. Make sure to keep it really tight otherwise it won't hold a tassel. Once you get to the end, apply a rubberband around the leather so it keeps it tight while it dries.